Development of the System of Physical Culture in Uzbekistan


  • Abdullaeva Masuda Abdubannaevna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Preschool Education Namangan State University
  • Abdullaev Dilmurod Sodiqjanovich Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Culture Namangan State University



sports, physical education, health, fitness, aesthetics


This article discusses the history of the origin and development of physical education. The authors analyze the development trends of physical education in Uzbekistan. The impact of physical education on human health has been proven using solid evidence.


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How to Cite

Abdubannaevna, A. M. ., & Sodiqjanovich, A. D. . (2022). Development of the System of Physical Culture in Uzbekistan. American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research, 3(5), 283–287.