The Role of The Technopreneur In Overcoming Global Sustainability Challenges: A Mental Accounting Perspective
Technopreneur, Global Sustainability Challenges, Mental Accounting, UMKMAbstract
This research examines the role of thechnopreneurs in overcoming global sustainability challenges from a mental accounting perspective. The aim of this research is to understand and analyze how technopreneurs can contribute to overcoming various challenges related to global sustainability through innovation and evironmentally friendly technology. The method used is literature study. The results of this research show a close relationship between technopreneurship, global sustainability, and mental accounting perspectives in the context of UMKM. Technological innovation increases efficiency and solves waste problems, while social media and e-commerce expand market reach at low costs. The mental accounting perspective plays a role in cost allocation, use of digital technology, innovation and risk management. Mental accounting, with its focus on effective and efficient short-term control, has the potential to be counterproductive to global sustainability, which requires expensive costs to obtain long-term benefits. Nevertheless, mental accounting still needs to be campaigned for all accountants to pay attention to environmental sustainability so that mental accounting develops not only in the short term but also in the long term. So that the integration of technopreneurship and sustainability principles supported by an appopriate mental accounting perspective can increase the added value of UMKM businesses while supporting global sustainability.
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